Thursday, February 17, 2011

Very Funny Ad's of

So I just published the previous post. and look what I see:: 

An ad about stopping your dog from barking. Is that irony?


Alright so I sign online here and am all ready to post on my not-forgotten-blog. My fingers tap aimlessly at the keyboard for a moment, and suddenly. The words are gone.

I was reminded by a very good friend of mine, that I do need to update this. And really I should, but what to write about when I have not done anything interesting. lol . Been pulling 35'hours a week. Watching the clouds in the sky think about raining on this dry land, and yet they don't.

There is a really annoying dog outside. That is continuously barking. At all hours of the morning. *sighs, shaking fist in the air* You are not the rooster alarm clock silly dog.
Some of what has been taking up my time, is work, friends. And mulling around on the inter-web. Flopping onto a web site I have been with since 2004. Its an addiction I swear. Good friends, some nice conversations on the most random subjects, and they have this game that you can play... where you can fish. So in essence I relax with a nice glass of tea and settle down to a bucket or two of fishing. *Guilty confession*  (The fishing game is in a separate window behind this one that I am writing on. >.<)
The site.. if anyone wonders. is called.
Its a creative way to talk about politics, technology, pancakes, or to dress up the provided avatar with just about a billion different ways to style-it-up. Many of all ages play on there.

I want a chicken, but one that lays the rainbow eggs. Yes it is a real chicken, and I have seen those eggs. They are blue, and green, and white, and reddish color. Really yummy too.

I promise to write again. Most likely this evening after work, or tomorrow. cause I am OFF on a Friday. Woosh. That's a rarity.

Soo... Cheese-to-the-toast
Missy Blog-kitten has left the building.. (or rather the computer. need more tea)