Future Dog

I Have created this page for Future Reference for myself later.
I want a dog, and to help narrow down the vast breeds to the one I want.. I have already chosen. I just need to wait for a better time in my life in order to get this dog.

Breed: Australian Shepard
Sex: Female

I want one with an undocked tail... For those of you who see this page..and wonder what I am talking about... Australian Shepards are a working breed. And Most of them have no tail, for it is docked at birth/ or around about that time.  This is done so when they are working. their tail doesn't get caught in things.

Note to self* I need to contact a breeder of this dog, and ask if they will not dock a female puppy's tail so that I may have have a dog with the tail.

This will be a great feat in itself because most Australian Shepards don't get to keep their tail.
They look more like this:

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