Sunday, October 16, 2011

A crochet quest

Going to get those creative gears a-workin' I have enough yarn as of right now. >.< unless I choose a completely different color lols.

This is short but will post another very soon.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The 9th of October in the year 20-11

Woke up to rain early this morning. Dark gray clouds blanketing the sky.
My cats sitting on my windowsill watching the rain hit the window.
Tails twitching in unison as their disc-like eyes dart from one side of the street to the other.
The sound of birds reverberating against the glass, faint sound of a car in the distance.

Tea and quartered strawberries to be the deciding choice to start the day off.
The air is a little chilled in the house, a small prelude to what awaits outside.

Today I Dare to say will be a Great day.
As it plays out we shall see.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Small world

Alright get this. So I moved from Texas to California to look after my friends place. Well he lives on a lot where there are two houses to it. Well the guy that lives in the other house is from Texas to. But wait it gets better he is from the same town. It turns out that he graduated from the same high school I went to. Only a year before me!! Lol. So we knew each other a few years ago and of all the places in the state to of gone to I find him lol.
Such a small world.
At 8 weeks old my new puppy
will be coming home today.
I can't wait.

Gonna have to find a way to get the pictures up cause he hasn't set up the Internet connection here.
It's silent here in this house. Not even my bird (Milo) is singing.
Gunner my friend's dog is sleeping.
Wonder what I should do.

Life update

Hello my dusty little blog. Lol I need to start updating you.

Well here is what has happened since I last posted on here:

Month of may:
Returned home to Texas from spending about two and a half months in north Carolina. I got to hang out with some old friends from high school and i met a few new new ones. Had some new drinks. (mind you i dont drink much) i go to try a redheaded slut. And an irish flag. Got to slend a few nights at a horse ranch whih was pretty cool/ o got to go down to mytril beach to the midevil times. That was a blast and i hihly recomend it to anyone who likes jousting and horses and eating with your hands lol.
From my flight up there to my flight back to texas i got to learnthe ins and outs of flying from the liadjng the luggage to having tea in the sky. I got to experience delays lol. Not so fun there. But every fligh i got on i met and made a new friend lol. The day I was leaving there I met an old friend from ca.
Spent about a week and a quarter in Texas. While I was home I got in contact with my friend I met in nc. He will be deploying over seas for about 6 months. While he is over there he needed someone to watch over his house and dog. Well guess who offered to look afterthem. Me. I thought why not. He was gonna help pay forth gas to get me there. So from a sound of one month I went from the east coast to the west coast. Lol. before making my way at night driing 1333 miles to tucson Arizona there where I met two new friends who are brothers as well as meeting up with my friend from nc.
From there I went horse back riding a few times and spent a couple days relaxing. Had a few nights in the pool and hot tub. Before making our way to his grandmothers place where we spent a few days. Helping her around the house, sun bathing and watchig the quail and ground squirrels scurry across the sandy ground. Be forewarned from like new Mexico to ca. There is no grass. It's cacti and dirt/sand.
From there we rented a trailer from uhal and drove the rest o the way to 29 palms ca. I got to see lots of mountains and a few dust storms along the way.

Now I am up here in ca. I will soon be getting a puppy which has the cutest little coat-print. His name is mystri.
I'll be adding pictures and video of him on here.

Wellthis is all I could think of for now. It was really hard to type this on my new*** iPhone but well worth it.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Justice has been done.

My blood bleeds red, white and blue. I still say the pledge of allegiance, I know the mean behind our beloved flag. And I for one support those hard working men and women of our United States Military. Both stationed here and overseas. I do my part in making sure those I know over-seas know that someone back in the states gives a damn about what they are doing.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Very Funny Ad's of

So I just published the previous post. and look what I see:: 

An ad about stopping your dog from barking. Is that irony?


Alright so I sign online here and am all ready to post on my not-forgotten-blog. My fingers tap aimlessly at the keyboard for a moment, and suddenly. The words are gone.

I was reminded by a very good friend of mine, that I do need to update this. And really I should, but what to write about when I have not done anything interesting. lol . Been pulling 35'hours a week. Watching the clouds in the sky think about raining on this dry land, and yet they don't.

There is a really annoying dog outside. That is continuously barking. At all hours of the morning. *sighs, shaking fist in the air* You are not the rooster alarm clock silly dog.
Some of what has been taking up my time, is work, friends. And mulling around on the inter-web. Flopping onto a web site I have been with since 2004. Its an addiction I swear. Good friends, some nice conversations on the most random subjects, and they have this game that you can play... where you can fish. So in essence I relax with a nice glass of tea and settle down to a bucket or two of fishing. *Guilty confession*  (The fishing game is in a separate window behind this one that I am writing on. >.<)
The site.. if anyone wonders. is called.
Its a creative way to talk about politics, technology, pancakes, or to dress up the provided avatar with just about a billion different ways to style-it-up. Many of all ages play on there.

I want a chicken, but one that lays the rainbow eggs. Yes it is a real chicken, and I have seen those eggs. They are blue, and green, and white, and reddish color. Really yummy too.

I promise to write again. Most likely this evening after work, or tomorrow. cause I am OFF on a Friday. Woosh. That's a rarity.

Soo... Cheese-to-the-toast
Missy Blog-kitten has left the building.. (or rather the computer. need more tea)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Feels like it is the year  for change. So much has happened in just the month on January alone,  and this month is not even over yet. There are goals to be set, new jobs to discover, friends to meet again, wardrobe changes, workouts, and running.
This year is certainly not going to be a lazy year, its time to get up and do something. Anything and everything, just take it head on. And don't dare to look back, forward motion all the way.

I plan on making some changes, some drastic others not so stuck out. But deffiinently all for the better.  Can't wait to see what this year will bring. Hope you all are ready for whats to come. What ever it is... feels like its going to be big.
