Friday, May 27, 2011

Life update

Hello my dusty little blog. Lol I need to start updating you.

Well here is what has happened since I last posted on here:

Month of may:
Returned home to Texas from spending about two and a half months in north Carolina. I got to hang out with some old friends from high school and i met a few new new ones. Had some new drinks. (mind you i dont drink much) i go to try a redheaded slut. And an irish flag. Got to slend a few nights at a horse ranch whih was pretty cool/ o got to go down to mytril beach to the midevil times. That was a blast and i hihly recomend it to anyone who likes jousting and horses and eating with your hands lol.
From my flight up there to my flight back to texas i got to learnthe ins and outs of flying from the liadjng the luggage to having tea in the sky. I got to experience delays lol. Not so fun there. But every fligh i got on i met and made a new friend lol. The day I was leaving there I met an old friend from ca.
Spent about a week and a quarter in Texas. While I was home I got in contact with my friend I met in nc. He will be deploying over seas for about 6 months. While he is over there he needed someone to watch over his house and dog. Well guess who offered to look afterthem. Me. I thought why not. He was gonna help pay forth gas to get me there. So from a sound of one month I went from the east coast to the west coast. Lol. before making my way at night driing 1333 miles to tucson Arizona there where I met two new friends who are brothers as well as meeting up with my friend from nc.
From there I went horse back riding a few times and spent a couple days relaxing. Had a few nights in the pool and hot tub. Before making our way to his grandmothers place where we spent a few days. Helping her around the house, sun bathing and watchig the quail and ground squirrels scurry across the sandy ground. Be forewarned from like new Mexico to ca. There is no grass. It's cacti and dirt/sand.
From there we rented a trailer from uhal and drove the rest o the way to 29 palms ca. I got to see lots of mountains and a few dust storms along the way.

Now I am up here in ca. I will soon be getting a puppy which has the cutest little coat-print. His name is mystri.
I'll be adding pictures and video of him on here.

Wellthis is all I could think of for now. It was really hard to type this on my new*** iPhone but well worth it.

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