Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Time lied to me!

Im laying here relaxing in bed.. thinking that it's like 2 or 3 in the morning.  Was thinking wooo-boy I am wide awake for it to be that time. But for some reason I fully beileved that it was that time. So I glanced down at my computer time stamp and see... dun dun dun.. 12:40am. its not even 1am yet.  Now wonder I still have so much energy.

And yet.
All seems dead around my neighborhood. No cars on the streets, no people hanging  in tight groups around open garage, no sounds of birds... scratch that why would birds be awake at night... maybe owls.. but we haven't seen any owls around here this year. usually we have 2 of them that stay in the large .. I think its an oak... maybe a pecan.. no an oak tree that is a little ways up the road from my house.
No sounds in my house accept the laptop fan.. and my fish tank filter motor. Very perplexing. What is one to do with such energy and no outlet? People of my blog audience what do you think?

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