Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Belle Fleurs Doily

16 inches in diameter

  • Crochet cotton size 10 (50 grams per ball): 1 ball each white, light yellow and light aqua
  • Size 8 steel crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge

  • Outer Ring Motif = 3 1/2 inches in diameter
  • Doily Center Rnds 1–4 = 2 inches in diameter
  • Check gauge to save time.
Pattern Notes

  • Join rnds with a sl st unless otherwise stated.
  • Weave in loose ends as work progresses.
Pattern Stitch
  • P: Ch 3, sl st in top of last sc.
Outer Ring

Motif (Make 10)
  • Rnd 1 (RS): With light yellow, ch 8, join to form a ring, ch 1, 25 sc in ring, join in beg sc, fasten off. (25 sc)
  • Rnd 2: With RS facing, working in front lps only this rnd, attach white with a sl st in any sc, ch 1, sc in same st, ch 3, [sc, ch 3] in each rem sc around, do not join.
  • Rnd 3: Working in rem back lps only this rnd, sc in next sc on Rnd 1, ch 16, sc in same sc, [sc in each of next 5 sc, ch 16, sc in same st as last sc] 4 times, sc in each of next 4 sc, join in beg sc. (5 ch-16 sps)
  • Rnd 4: Ch 1, *31 sc in ch-16 lp, sl st in each of next 6 sc, rep from * around, join in beg sc. (5 petals)
  • Rnd 5: Ch 1, *sc in first sc of 31-sc group, [ch 2, sk 2 sc, dc in next sc] 9 times, ch 2, sc in last sc of 31-sc group, sk next 2 sl sts, sl st in each of next 2 sl sts, sk next 2 sl sts, rep from * around, join in beg sc, fasten off.
  • Rnd 6: With RS facing, attach light yellow with a sl st in first ch-2 sp, ch 1, *3 sc in ch-2 sp, sc in next dc, [3 sc in next ch-2 sp, {sc, ch 3, sc} in next dc] 7 times, 3 sc in next ch-2 sp, sc in next dc, 3 sc in next ch-3 sp, sl st at center of next 2 sl sts, rep from * around, join in beg sc, fasten off. (7 ch-3 sps on each petal)

Joining rings
  • With light aqua, ch 10, join to form a ring, ch 1, 7 sc in ring, dc in 2nd ch-3 sp of petal on motif, 7 sc in ring, dc in 2nd ch-3 sp on next petal on same motif, 7 sc in ring, dc in next-to-last ch-3 sp of petal on next motif, 7 sc in ring, dc in next-to-last ch-3 sp of next petal on same motif, join in beg sc, fasten off.
  • Rep until all 10 motifs are joined so 2 petals of each motif are on inside edge of ring and 3 petals are on out-side edge.
  • Press.
Doily Center

  • Rnd 1 (RS): With light yellow, ch 7, join to form a ring, ch 1, 20 sc in ring, join in beg sc, fasten off. (120 sc)
  • Rnd 2: With RS facing, attach white with a sl st in any sc, ch 1, sc in same st, ch 6 (counts as first tr, ch-2), [tr, ch 2] in each rem sc around, join in 4th ch of beg ch-6. (20 tr; 20 ch-2 sps)
  • Rnd 3: Ch 1, *2 sc in next ch-2 sp, sc in each tr, rep from * around, join in beg sc. (60 sc)
  • Rnd 4: Ch 1, working in back lps only this rnd, sc in each sc around, join in beg sc.
  • Rnd 5: Ch 5, sk 2 sc, *sc in next sc, ch 5, sk 2 sc, rep from * around, join in base of beg ch-5, fasten off. (20 ch-5 sps)
  • Rnd 6: With RS facing, working in front lps only this rnd, attach light aqua with a sl st in any st of Rnd 3, ch 1, [sc, ch 3] in each sc around, join in beg sc, fasten off.
  • Rnd 7: With RS facing, attach light yellow with a sl st in any ch-5 sp of Rnd 5, ch 1, 3 sc in same ch-5 sp, ch 14, sl st in 12th ch from hook, 20 sc in ch-12 lp just made, *sl st in rem 2 chs of ch-14, 3 sc in same ch-5 sp, 3 sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 14, sl st in 12th ch from hook, 5 sc in ch-12 lp just made, sc in 15th sc of 20-sc group of previous lp **, 15 sc in working ch-12 lp, rep from * 18 times, ending last rep at **, 10 sc in working ch-12 lp, sc in 5 sc of 20-sc group of first ch-12 lp, 5 sc in working ch-12 sp, sl st in rem 2 chs of ch-14, join in beg sc, fasten off.
  • Rnd 8: Sk first 3 sc of 10-sc group at top of any lp on Rnd 7, with RS facing, attach white with a sl st in next sc, ch 6 (counts as first tr, ch-2), [tr in next sc, ch 2] 3 times, sk next 6 sc, *[tr in next sc, ch 2] 4 times, sk next 6 sc, rep from * around, join in 4th ch of beg ch-6. (80 tr)
  • Rnd 9: Ch 1, [sc, ch 3] in each ch-2 sp around, ending with ch 1, dc in beg sc to form last ch-3 sp. (80 ch-3 sps)
  • Rnds 10 & 11: Ch 1, [sc, ch 3] in each ch-3 sp around, ending with ch 1, dc in beg sc to form last ch-3 sp.
  • Rnd 12: Ch 1, [sc, ch 4] in each ch-3 sp around, ending with ch 2, dc in beg sc to form last ch-4 sp.
  • Rnd 13: Ch 1, sc in same sp, [ch 4, sc in next ch-4 sp] twice, *3 sc in next ch-4 sp, [sc, p] in next sc, 3 sc in next ch-4 sp, sc in next ch-4 sp **, [ch 4, sc in next ch-4 sp] 5 times, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, [ch 4, sc in next ch-4 sp] twice, ch 2, dc in beg sc to form last ch-4 sp. (10 sc groups with p; 5 ch-4 sps between each group)
  • Rnd 14: Ch 1, sc in same sp, [ch 4, sc in next ch-4 sp] twice, *ch 15, sc in next ch-4 sp **, [ch 4, sc in next ch-4 sp] 4 times, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, ch 4, sc in next ch-4 sp, ch 2, dc in beg sc to form last ch-4 sp.
  • Rnd 15: Ch 1, sc in same sp, [ch 5, sc in next ch-4 sp] twice, *22 sc in ch-15 sp, sc in next ch-4 sp **, [ch 5, sc in next ch-4 sp] 3 times, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, ch 5, join in beg sc, fasten off.
  • Rnd 16: With RS facing, attach light aqua with a sl st in center of any 3 ch-5 sps of Rnd 15, ch 1, sc in same sp, ch 5, sc in next sp, *dc in each of next 22 sc, sc in next ch-5 sp **, [ch 5, sc in next ch-5 sp] twice, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, ch 5, join in beg sc, fasten off. (22 dc each group; 2 ch-5 sps between each group)

Joining rnd
  • Rnd 17: With RS facing, attach white with a sl st in first ch-5 sp, beg in same ch-5 sp, ch 1, *[{3 sc, p, 3 sc} in next ch-5 sp] twice, sc in each of next 5 dc, ch 1, sc in 2nd ch-3 sp from joining ring on inner petal of motif of outer ring, ch 1, sl st in top of last sc made, sc in each of next 3 dc, ch 1, sc in next free ch-3 sp on same inner petal of motif of outer ring, ch 1, sl st in top of last sc, sc in each of next 3 dc, ch 3, sl st in top of last sc made, ch 5, sl st in same sc as last sl st, ch 3, sl st in same sc as last sl st, sc in each of next 3 dc, ch 1, sc in next ch-3 sp from joining ring on inner petal of next motif of outer ring, ch 1, sl st in top of last sc made, sc in each of next 3 dc, ch 1, sc in next free ch-3 sp on same inner petal of motif of outer ring, ch 1, sl st in top of last sc made, sc in each of next 5 dc, rep from * around, join in beg sc, fasten off.

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