Sunday, August 8, 2010

Couldn't stop myself

*(Here is a rant that I was righting at work this morning.* Ok here it goes...)
started: 9:52

Sitting here in the coworkers lounge writing on a small roll of hyper com tape. on top of a 2009-2010 yellow-book. I started my blog today and suddenly wanted to just keep writing, like a deep firey passion for online blogging has suddenly sparked up inside me.

*to-do's list link*
ravelry links
facebook links

so much is swimming through my mind. its like I shall so be reduced to a pile of mush.
major catch. no one can read this in its current state. I have chosen the furthest corner of the coworker lounge in hope of some concealment.

You see this hyper com tape is for printing receipts for our customers and granted this is a small roll. I'm not supposed to be writing on this. 9:45am as 10:00 draws near my handwriting has become temporarily big and bubbly, mistakes litter this page as i try to write fast before clocking in. Have to go Work beckons me. Will continue on break.
So work has started I'm on the clock. it feels like I am grabbing for any piece of paper, napkin, I can find to write on. I hold back though. I'd rather have a long roll to read then a bazillion pieces o paper hastily stuffed into my apron pocket. I'm supposed to be getting my till right now. but instead I am in the quiet room.

The sound of this pen against the wooden base shelves sounds like a wood pecker.  10:14am How will I survive today. I don't want to be here. I want to be home with my fingers racing across my keyboard as I write to you.
No one else but cody *friend* and I know of this blog of mine. I shot him a text about it with my url link. How I remembered it after only a glance at it once this morning baffles me.
"Finally Crafted" he called it.
I see now this paper has stretched across the shelving and to the floor. Will I fill up this whole roll? my handwriting looks atrocious right now. I have to stop. I must. I have to get to work.

O paper of mine that I so happily found under my register. I long to write on you once more. Perhaps on break I will continue my scribbled rant. Have to go Time stamp. 10:20
10:40 break!
1 and 2 slips of paper I have written on aside from this. I am reduced to that as my temporary out let. 15 minutes says my break policy. 15 minutes seems like a blink. when all I want to do is write. Slip of paper 2 shall have to last me as long as it can/ 2 hours till lunch?I can make it can't I? Just wait till I get home to type this up on my blog. and now when this paper is at my expense in availability. I find I can't write to continue my rant must be when I am busy  the words in my mind plague me.
Time limits... hiding to write... thats when my mind functions. Such is the way of life it would seem. Silent room the sound of the clock to my right, the environmentally friendly motion detector lights above me. I'm in a dace it seem steadily beating heart, calm breaths. A thought. This post will soon be if it already is a story. .. what constitutes a post? the limited 1200 words? a short paragraph?
text cody and tneisha.
morning to her, pleading for sanity on my addiction to keep writing to him. 10:50, I shall go back now. customers arrive at 11. Until lunch time brings us back together as one I shall not be happy till then.  Slip of paper 2 here I come.

Slip of paper 1:: 10:29 I had to, this may be the fires of many slips of paper I write on. Just cant stop. Is this therapeutic? was my body saying I need a blog? addictive I utter to my self. my hand shakes unsteady as this pen flies across the back of this paper. there's the end of the page I still have more. but am forcefully restricted to end now. 10:30

Slip of paper 2:: I have found another slip of paper.  "thank the heavens shall try to write small to save this to last me a while. back to work 10:34 behind the blue dish storage wall I write this. literally am writing on it.

11:09 and I try to retreat to this page, to save my words and yet  -Blank-
2:26 lunch time and emotions are high. why do people have to be the way they are. Though it shall soon be over once 5pm rolls around.
all I want now is a bubbly bath and some nice music maybe a glass of red wine.
Oho almost forgot have to check in about making my little lamb doll and the logo for my blog. Need to check privacy settings too.
as this paper runs out of empty space once can only sigh never fear there is more paper in the world. and shift's end is on the approach.

*(and that is the end of my rant that I wrote at work today. that was a lot. and I must say. what an outlet of an addicted this has become.)*

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